What’s New at Shopify?
Create Shopify Email campaigns from product pages
Shopify Email campaigns can now be created directly from the Product section, with app extensions designed to streamline creating product-specific emails as part of your email strategy.
There are new app extensions on the product index page and the product details page.
In the main products index page, click “Create email campaign” under the “More actions” button in the top right hand side of the product index page. This opens a modal to choose an email template. Select a product-specific template and your email will be created with default products included.
You can also select multiple products, click the “...” icon on the top right hand side of the product index table and then select “Create email campaign” under Apps. The modal will open up to select a template and you’ll see the products you chose passed through directly into the draft email campaign.
And on a single product detail page, you’ll also find the option to “Create email campaign” under the “More actions” button. You’ll see a modal to select a template, and then the product you were working on will be automatically passed into the draft email that is created.
Learn more about creating campaigns with Shopify Email.