May 15, 2023

ShopifyQL Notebooks now support Python code blocks

With this release, merchants have the ability to leverage the Python environment and its powerful libraries to retrieve data, combine it, and visualize it using some of the most powerful data libraries available.
1. Merchants can access the Python code from within the ShopifyQL Notebooks app by adding a new code block to their Notebook.
2. After adding the code block, you can either type the Python code, or select from one of the pre-built templates.
3. Another way to get started is to use the reference notebook titled “Lesson 3 - Working with Python code blocks” that includes pre-built templates as examples along with a few more in depth use cases such as, joining two ShopifyQL data frames together.

Install the ShopifyQL Notebooks app and bring in third party data into your Notebooks. To learn more about using Python code block, check out our help center documentation.